So, this election has been just jaw-droppingly suspicious. At the time of writing, Harris had just about 8 million fewer voters than Biden did in 2020, which is an astounding number of people to decide they don't want to protect democracy that much anymore.
I could sit here and make anecdotes about how much more support Mrs. Harris seemed to have than trump in the months running up to the election, but that isn't really
relevant or helpful. And to be honest, talking about that stuff would probably just make people who already believe the results of the election tune out my actual arguments.
I was a ballot worker in Colorado during this election, so I naturally want to make sure that I wasn't part of a broken process and did nothing about it.
Hopefully, this also means that I can help explain some elements of this concern that the average citizen might not understand. (In regards to the electoral process.)
The first point of contention here is that several largely democratic polling places in swing states were targeted by fake bomb threats.
The FBI has confirmed that many of these threats come from Russian email addresses.
The exact number of bomb threats is unclear, because our wonderful major media outlets are underreporting this.
This article states that there were at least 50 sites targeted, but that's still no solid number.
Elsewhere I've seen claims of 80+ bomb threats. I love living in a world with useless/uncertain news providers.
While I was researching while writing this website, I also found out that the campaign of bomb threats has continued since nov 8th, with over half of the election offices in Minnesota receiving threats.
I'm aware that your first assumption might be that my argument is something along the lines of
"The bomb threats caused polling places to evacuate and shut down which prevented democrats from voting." That could be a *small* part of why Trump won, but that really isn't my argument.
Make no mistake; I believe these threats demonstrate a legitimate concern to the integrity of the election, and this was quite obviously a coordinated campaign,
but I need to explain my exact concern about this issue in the next section. Before that, I'll drop a few more links related to these bomb threats:
At this point I should probably put down a simple disclaimer:
I am not a cybersecurity expert beyond some knowledge in computer science, a bachelor’s of science in psychology, and some cybersecurity trainings for various jobs.
The majority of what I know about cybersecurity is that most hacking is really social engineering to get access to a system.
I am merely acting to spread awareness of Stephen Spoonamore's
concerns. I am far from a professional activist, and when I set up an email for this site, would greatly appreciate assistance with verifying/disputing facts on here.
That said, I can confirm that he has been interviewed as an expert on election cybersecurity since at least 2006.
I get the feeling that someone might be tempted to think of this as just the delusions of some "crazy democrats", so I'd like to first paraphrase how Spoonamore
describes himself.
First, I should highlight that Spoonamore describes himself as a lifelong republican.[1]
The originator of these claims is not a Democrat interested in "stealing the election."
Spoonamore states "as the CEO or CTO at seven high technology firms including two which specialized in hacking and counter-hacking operations."
His clients have previously included government agencies. Spoonamore also stated that he has valued service and participatory democracy over party.
The core issue of this page are the concerns first raised by Spoonamore in a November 8th thread on spoutable and elaborated in his duty-to-warn letter to Kamala Harris.[2][1]
I personally recommend reading the thread and letter yourself, but I'll still try and paraphrase here.
For evidence of the tampering, Spoonamore highlights 600,000 votes for trump but with no down-ballot choices. Spoonamore claims that these are artificial "bullet ballots" or manipulated data fields.
Spoonamore states that these are historically unprecedented numbers yet only found within the swing states. These votes in AZ, MI, NC, and WI reverses the outcome and pushes the outcome beyond the margin for a mandatory recount.
In other states removing these numbers indicate that Trump may have won, but within the margin of a mandatory recount.
In the duty-to-warn letter, Spoonamore goes into detail on how the hack must have happened. He divides the hack into two categories.
The first category is creating a pool of bullet ballot voters. Spoonamore states that there are two possible methods for the hack:
1. Simply manipulating electronic totals (which would easily be caught by hand-counting) or 2.Hacking ePollBook (the tool we used to interface with our voter/ballot database) to introduce bullet ballots.
Spoonamore then relates how Elon Musk created a 1 million dollar lottery for those who pledged to vote. This giveaway simply required entrants' names and street addresses.
Now here's a little information I can give as a primary source;(I was a poll worker, remember? Specifically, I worked with ePollBook.)
This is all the information we needed to find a registered voter in our database; voter fraud was prevented by us humans id-checking + verifying Drivers License# or the last four of the SSN on file. Musk used this information to build a list of voters who would vote for Trump,
As well as a list of ghost-ballot voters. Spoonamore claims that as starlink/ any available wireless network was used for ePollBook access,
Musk's team could compare existing turnout models to likely outcomes. (In my county, we did make sure to use ethernet at the very least.)
Voter's in Musk's database who did not show up supposedly became the ghost ballots. With connection to ePollBook (which isn't the tabulation machines, btw) these voters could be marked as voted. (Also, on Spoonamore's accusation of Musk, Musk has been confirmed
to have engaged in active co-operation with the Trump campaign on other issues, which I will go over in the final section of this tab.)
Part 2 of the apparent hack was manipulation of the tabulation machines. As mentioned above, the hack could have been done simply by manipulating electronic totals.
A hand-recount of physical ballots would easily catch this. If tabulating machines had network access or a person on the team had access to the tabulators,
the machines could be manipulated to insert the ghost-ballots from ePollBook. Thus, the tabulators would match ePollBook totals and only a hand-recount would detect the tampering.
A second possibility involved the same compromise as above, but with the addition of culprits infiltrating the staffing of VSPCs, or the substitution of ballots at tabulation-time.
Spoonamore raises this possibility because many of the suspicious ballots are heavily centralized in a few certain counties.
Finally, this brings us to the possible link to the bomb threats. The speculated purpose of the hoaxes (aside from a distraction/diversion) was to create a breach in the chain of custody via evacuation of the office/center
(for those that don't know, the chain of custody is a detailed record of who has the ballots in arms-reach after they've been deposited)
so if a recount discovered the discrepancy, the change in count could be litigated against.
Now then, before moving on I would like to once more ask that you read the original duty-to-warn letter. Spoonamore does a much better job explaining his concerns than I have,
and he does a much better job providing data and substantiating his claims. This has only been paraphrasing.
I'm sorry. By the time I got on to writing this section, I found out that there is pathetically little time left for Harris to demand a national recount and investigation. I only have a source ready for the fact I mentioned above. (Musk collaborating with Trump) I was going to write here about how Trump was saying shady stuff like telling his voters that they had enough votes, etc. To make up for not having a final section, here's a graph made by reddit user i_hate_the_ppa demonstrating the bizarre number of bullet ballots this year:
Graph of Spoonamore Bullet Ballot data from "Duty to Warn" LetterAlso, here's a compilation of evidence of foul play on reddit.
byu/i_hate_the_ppa insomethingiswrong2024
I'm aware that many people are uncomfortable with casting suspicion on the election. After all, one of Trump's biggest noisemaking techniques after the 2020 election
was accusing democrats of election fraud. I get it, and democratic politicians get it too, considering they have remained mostly silent on this issue.
However, there are two reasons you shouldn't let this stop yourself from writing in. First, casting suspicion and doubt is the absolute minimum Trump did after he lost 2020.
We do have to remember that he tried overturning the results. And when that didn't happen on January 6th, he sent his followers to storm the US capitol
and make a fucking coup. That is the kind of stuff people are justified in not wanting to be associated with. But don't let that blur into the act of being suspicious become taboo.
Trump had the right to cast doubt (but let's be real; he didn't have consistent reasons like this) as an American citizen. He probably knew he lost and was just upset, but still.
the second reason you shouldn't let this uncertainty stop you is a little hard for me to explain. The video by innuendo studios does a little bit of a
better job at it, but to paraphrase: If the republicans cheated, they're counting on you trying to seize the moral high ground because that means you won't do what they did.
At the time of writing, there isn't much time left for Harris to demand a national recount. Think "less than 24 hours."
Because of this, it is imperative that you write to Vice President Harris.
This can be done with the following links:
Now then, if/when you write please include the following details in a paragraph:
Hello. I am writing to you today because I am concerned about the integrity of the 2024 Election. Polling centers and election offices in largely democratic areas were targeted by a campaign of hoax bomb threats on and shortly after election day. The FBI had confirmed that the majority of these hoaxes originated from Russian email addresses. These bomb threats coincided with a bizarrely high number of bullet ballots in the same counties voting in favor of your opponent, Donald Trump. As an American citizen, I want to have clarity whether or not our elections are fair and uncorrupted. Because of this, I am writing to ask you to demand a federal recount and investigation into the aforementioned bullet ballots and bomb hoaxes, as the bullet ballot puts Trump in a lead improbably outside of mandatory recount margins. You are the only one who can demand a recount and investigation, and there is little time left for you to take action. My opinions of you will not change if you make the demand and there is no change and/or no fraud is found, however I find inaction and/or silence on the issue to be unethical.